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(本身这个玩意是不值得水一篇blog的……但是,我看到我的IDA/plugins里面乱的和:shit:一样,:older_man:还是决定写一下配置IDA的过程,正好最近IDA Pro7.6泄露了部分(?),:older_man:就配置一下最新的IDA)






  • Remove function return type in Hex-Rays:

2016-06-12 11 05 29

  • Convert data into different formats, output will also be automatically copied to the clipboard:

2016-06-12 11 01 57 2016-06-12 11 03 18

  • Scan for format string vulnerabilities:

2016-06-15 8 19 03

  • Jump to vtable functions by double clicking
  • Lazy shortcuts:
    • Disasm Window:
      • w: Copy address of current line into clipboard
    • Hex-rays Window:
      • w: Copy address of current item into clipboard
      • c: Copy name of current item into clipboard
      • v: Remove return type of current item



IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)



  • Use Patcher tool

    At any place in IDA window, press the hotkey Ctrl-Alt-K to open the Patcher dialog.

  • Use Fill Range tool

    Select a range of code in IDA window, then press the hotkey Ctrl-Alt-K to open the "Fill Range" dialog. Note that the same hotkey would open the Patcher window if you do not select a range of code, as in tutorial 1 above.

  • Revert (undo) the last patching

    After any modification (like in tutorial 2 or 3 above), do right-click in IDA window, then choose from the popup menu Keypatch | Undo last patching to revert (undo) the last action.

  • Save the modification

    After all the patching done in tutorial 1, 2, 3 above, save all the modifications by choosing menu Edit | Patch program | Apply patches to input file. Note that this really changes the original binary, so be sure this is what you desire.

  • Use Search tool

    • Open the Search dialog by either right-click in IDA window, then choose from the popup menu Keypatch | Search. Or choose from the main menu Edit | Keypatch | Search.

    • Enter assembly instructions in the Assembly control, then click "Search" to search for these instructions in code section. Keypatch would show the result in a new window. in which you can double-click each address to jump to the related code.

      Note that it is possible to enter more than one assembly instruction, and separating them by semi-colons signs (ie ;).


  • 项目地址:https://github.com/illera88/Ponce
  • 安装方法:Ponce works with both x86 and x64 binaries in any IDA version >= 7.0. Installing the plugin is as simple as copying the appropiate files from the latest builds to the plugins\ folder in your IDA installation directory.


  • Exploit development: Ponce can help you create an exploit in a far more efficient manner as the exploit developer may easily see what parts of memory and which registers you control, as well as possible addresses which can be leveraged as ROP gadgets.
  • Malware Analysis: Another use of Ponce is related to malware code. Analyzing the commands a particular family of malware supports is easily determined by symbolizing a simple known command and negating all the conditions where the command is being checked.
  • Protocol Reversing: One of the most interesting Ponce uses is the possibility of recognizing required magic numbers, headers or even entire protocols for controlled user input. For instance, Ponce can help you to list all the accepted arguments for a given command line binary or extract the file format required for a specific file parser.
  • CTF: Ponce speeds up the process of reverse engineer binaries during CTFs. As Ponce is totally integrated into IDA you don't need to worry about setup timing. It's ready to be used!

The plugin will automatically run, guiding you through the initial configuration the first time it is run. The configuration will be saved to a configuration file so you won't have to worry about the config window again.



一个IDAPython插件,可以生成 "模糊"的函数签名,然后在不同的IDB之间共享和应用。









deReferencing is an IDA Pro plugin that implements new registers and stack views. Adds dereferenced pointers, colors and other useful information, similar to some GDB plugins (e.g: PEDA, GEF, pwndbg, etc).

Both views can be opened from the menu Debugger -> Debugger Windows or by shortcuts:

  • deREferencing - Registers (Alt-Shift-D)
  • deREferencing - Stack (Alt-Shift-E)

You also can save the desktop layout using the Windows -> Save desktop option, so that the plugin starts automatically in other debugging sessions.


这个插件看起来巨nb, 但是这个项目的README没有Install……就离谱!!!!


  • Automatic type REconstruction for C++ objects.
  • Virtual function table identification
  • C-tree graph visualization
  • Ctree Item View
  • Extract Ctrees to File
  • Extract Types to File
  • Navigation through virtual function calls
  • Object Explorer




  • Heap tracer (malloc/free/calloc/realloc)
    • Detection of overlaps and double-frees
    • Visualization using villoc
  • Malloc chunk info
  • Chunk editor
  • Multi-arena info (chunks, top, last-remainder)
  • Bins info (fastbins, unsortedbin, smallbins y largebins)
  • Tcache info (glibc >= 2.26)
  • GraphView for linked lists (bins/tcache)
  • Structs view (malloc_state / malloc_par / tcache_perthread)
  • Magic utils:
    • Unlink merge info
    • Freeable/merge info
    • Fake fastbin finder
    • House of force helper
    • Useful libc offsets
    • Calc chunk size (request2size)
    • IO_FILE structs






  • synchronize graph and decompilation views with debugger's state
  • no need to deal with ASLR, addresses are rebased on-the-fly
  • pass data (comment, command output) from debugger to disassembler
  • multiple IDBs/GPRs can be synced at the same time allowing to easily trace through multiple modules
  • disassembler and debugger can be on different hosts / VMs


从无到有 配置IDA7.0

IDA Pro扩展

